Kylie and the Crylies, The Spunkflakes photographed by Peter Goodliffe

Super-early Spunkflakes photoshoot geared up in the grounds of a 17th century Oxfordshire estate with legendary Oxford photographer Peter Goodliffe and our trusty costumier, Tamsin Goodliffe. All the photos, not to mention the costumes, were ditched after the first few shows.

But big eggy thanks to Peter, Tamsin and our driver for the day Andy Sandford, for helping get some really frightening shots of us all.

Hey the gal’s have gotta try to make a living!

Kylie and the Crylies
Diana Ross & The Supremes
Andy & Teddy & Luby Loo
Our Paul
Our Paul back in London
Peter Goodliffe

P.S. The only catch is it was so long ago we’ve forgotten the name of the estate. Any ideas, please leave a comment below and let us know. Somebody came through with the info and we now know it was Rousham House!




Spunkflakes stitch together snippets of pop culture into mayhem-filled tales, with an emphasis on menace and mess,relentlessly picking at much-loved scabs.