Spunkflakes video trailer

We gleaned footage from our Royal Oak show and edited together this little video to showcase our work to London venues. No digital media in those days. It was two big Umatic source decks plugged into a third recorder. Stop, mark-in, forward, mark-out, rewind, record, mark, rewind, review, repeat… and fingers crossed the tapes don’t split before we’re done!

All done on 12th and 13th June 1993 at the old Island Arts centre, in the the rough and tumble of a pre-Canary Wharf docklands. A bit crusty round the edges, but full of the promise of artistic endeavours rather than the greed-powered dreams of the Docklands money men/women yet to come.

We sent out the trailer on VHS tapes, hoping for the odd booking. Our favourite reply was from the manager of BJ’s White Swan who sent back the tape with a note:

“we just don’t get it”

So thanks
no thanks




Spunkflakes stitch together snippets of pop culture into mayhem-filled tales, with an emphasis on menace and mess,relentlessly picking at much-loved scabs.